Resume (EN)Resume (FR)


One of the coolest things about programming is that it allows you to bring your ideas to life 💡
Here are some things I've built during my spare time, feel free to check them out! If you have any question regarding one project, feel free to reach me out.


Featured project


Frencheers allows you to study French grammar, using an interactive input-based SRS system. With a lot of sample sentences, audio, verb conjugations and more.

▹ Next.js ▹ SEO ▹ Better-auth ▹ tRPC ▹ HeroUI



▹ Next.js ▹ SEO ▹ Better-auth ▹ tRPC ▹ HeroUI

Frencheers allows you to study French grammar, using an interactive input-based SRS system. With a lot of sample sentences, audio, verb conjugations and more.

Featured project


Kanjisho is a modern Japanese dictionary one can use to find informations on kanjis, words, English translations, kanji strokes and more. It uses third-party sources to provide these data.

▹ Typescript ▹ AWS ▹ Next.js ▹ SSG ▹ Vercel



▹ Typescript ▹ AWS ▹ Next.js ▹ SSG ▹ Vercel

Kanjisho is a modern Japanese dictionary one can use to find informations on kanjis, words, English translations, kanji strokes and more. It uses third-party sources to provide these data.

Taktix MMO

Featured project

Taktix MMO

An open-source cross-platform MMORPG written in TypeScript. It implements a bunch of features such as real-time multiplayer, chat, inventory, fights, and more.

▹ Phaser ▹ Colyseus ▹ Websockets ▹ Tauri ▹ Prisma

Taktix MMO

Taktix MMO

▹ Phaser ▹ Colyseus ▹ Websockets ▹ Tauri ▹ Prisma

An open-source cross-platform MMORPG written in TypeScript. It implements a bunch of features such as real-time multiplayer, chat, inventory, fights, and more.

Featured project


Pokémine is a webtool allowing users to ease the trade messages generation for Pokémon bots. It uses data from PokéAPI, Smogon & others to provide presets and input validation.

▹ Typescript ▹ Scraping ▹ React.JS ▹ MobX ▹ ViteJS



▹ Typescript ▹ Scraping ▹ React.JS ▹ MobX ▹ ViteJS

Pokémine is a webtool allowing users to ease the trade messages generation for Pokémon bots. It uses data from PokéAPI, Smogon & others to provide presets and input validation.

Other Projects


Challenge yourself to learn French faster with this conjugation drill app. Study French grammar, using an interactive quizz system!

▹ Next.js ▹ HeroUI ▹ MobX ▹ AWS S3 ▹ GCP TTS


Small implementation of the kamikaze drinking game.

▹ React.js ▹ Typescript ▹ Material-UI ▹ MobX ▹ Zod


My personal portfolio project is the website you are on! It uses TypeScript, MUI & Next.js and is available on GitHub.

▹ Typescript ▹ Next.js ▹ Material-UI ▹ Responsive


A sensational SaaS boilerplate that allows you to jump straight into your product instead of reinventing the wheel!

▹ Next.js ▹ Shadcn/ui ▹ Tailwindcss ▹ Stripe ▹ Mailgun

Shohei's Portfolio

Shohei Okayama (岡山昇平) is a Japanese artist and illustrator. He is specialized in realistic painting and illustration.

▹ Next.js ▹ Vercel ▹ Material-UI ▹ Stripe ▹ Mailjet


MagicVault is a modern and responsive search engine and cards collection manager for the Magic: The Gathering TCG. It uses Scryfall API as a third party to retrieve cards informations.

▹ Typescript ▹ FaunaDB ▹ Next.js ▹ Scryfall API


Novelly is a free online writing platform accessible to everyone. Its purpose is to provide a pleasant environment and writing tools supported by a serverless underlying architecture.

▹ Typescript ▹ FaunaDB ▹ AWS ▹ Next.js ▹ Material-UI


NatashaDiaries is a blog made to help japanese students willing to study abroad by providing them advices based on Natasha's experiences.

▹ Vue.JS ▹ Netlify CMS ▹ Gridsome ▹ SEO


A game of life simulator written in C++. Described by John Horton Conway in 1970, it is the most famous Turing complete cellular automata.

▹ C++ ▹ CMake ▹ SFML ▹ DevOps / CI ▹ Cross-Platform


VSChill is a Visual Studio Code theme based on Nord, specifically edited to fit my preferences regarding Javascript / Typescript programming.

▹ VSCE ▹ VS Code ▹ JavaScript


A multipurpose Discord bot written using Typescript. Handles advanced commands for osu! game, commands for retrieving gifs and ping command.

▹ TypeScript ▹ Discord.JS ▹ Osu! API ▹ Chart.JS


TVManager allows you to better manage your media library : TV Shows, Movies and Animes. It makes use of the TMDB API to retrieve all data and keep the website up to date.

▹ Jboss ▹ Java EE ▹ Database ▹ JSP ▹ API


Cact is a cat fact coming with a random cute cat picture picker. It makes use of TheCatAPI and the cat-facts API with a modern React.JS project structure.

▹ React.JS ▹ Typescript ▹ REST API ▹ Axios


Traycer is a little Ray-Tracer written in C++. Ray tracing is a rendering technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light as pixels in an image plane.

▹ C++ ▹ CMake ▹ 3D Graphics ▹ Cross-Platform


Hex is a strategy board game for two players played on a hexagonal grid. Project carried out as part of my second year at Paul Sabatier University.

▹ C ▹ HMI ▹ SDL 1.2.15 ▹ Cross-Platform


I had to realize a software to gather, visualize and interpret real-time datas from different types of sensors located on the University campus.

▹ Java ▹ Swing ▹ IoT ▹ Network